1ST ED. 2023 
Maggie Nelson

Ways Of Seeing
John Berger

This book reminds me to look at things in all directions and often, to question and celebrate what can be gained by restraint and focus.

Syzygy, Beauty
An Essay by T. Fleischmann

One Man’s Meat
E.B White

This book reminds me that things will always be the same and can never be the same. Timeless ideas and sentiments are everything.

The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau Volumes 1-20
Jacques Cousteau

The Artificial Kingdom: On the Kitsch Experience
Celeste Olalquiaga

On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collection
Susan Stewart

Look at the real, look at the fake. It’s important to remember there’s so much we’ll never see or understand, yet we still capture and commemorate.

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