The Infinite Library is an evolving collection of books and texts recommended by artists working in clay, creating an archive of ceramic theory in a method that is emerging rather than top-down.
Working in clay is not generally associated with books and writing. Ceramics is considered an expressive medium, elemental and bodily, and therefore disconnected from thinking and writing. While expression and action can be elements of working in clay, the medium manifests multiple identities, functions, and pro-cesses, and these qualities can exist while also considering the many theories, stories, and philosophies that drive ceramic practices.
To compile the Library, I contacted artists of varying ages, career stages, and geographical locations, asking for titles that have influenced their life and work. I left parameters very open to avoid any genre or style hierarchy. Artists could write notes on their choices but were not required to submit any explanation.
This initial installation of The Infinite Library at Pitzer College Art Galleries will be the first of many iterations, with the collection of books growing and changing over time. They piece together an anthology that can be used in teaching, learning, and discus-sion, forming an unexpected ceramics library that can inform those working within the medium and provide greater context for those seeking to understand its complexities.
This publication marks the second realization of The Infinite Library; the first, at Pitzer College Art Galleries in 2023, shared books from 66 artists. The latest installation at the de Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University includes recommendations from an additional 11 artists, now totaling over 500 texts. They piece together an anthology that can be used in teaching, learning, and discussion, forming an unexpected ceramics library that can inform those working within the medium and provide greater context for those seeking to understand its complexities.