2ND ED. 2024 
Hyman Bloom: Matters of Life and Death
Erica Hirshler, Hyman Bloom, Naomi Slipp 

Human Reproductive Biology 
Richard E. Jones and Kristin H. Lopez PhD 

How Not To Exclude Artist Mothers (and other parents) 
Hettie Judah 

Conflict Is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair
Sarah Schulman 

Beyond Doer and Done to: Recognition Theory, Intersubjectivity and the Third
Jessica Benjamin 

Designing Motherhood: Things that Make and Break Our Births
Michelle Millar Fisher and Amber Winick 

Nocturnes: On Listening to Dreams 
Paul Lippman 

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza 
Gloria Anzaldúa 

Elsewhere, Within Here: Immigration, Refugeeism and the Boundary Event 
Trinh T. Minh-ha